Enclave in fallout 4
Enclave in fallout 4

enclave in fallout 4

The first foray into Boise was a total disaster, over half of the expedition team died in the chaotic crossfire of the Boise Raider Gangs and the mutant horde. The Brotherhood of Steel found Julian's "blatant imperialism", unsettling and ordered that he be exiled.

enclave in fallout 4 enclave in fallout 4

Julian was exiled for holding that the Brotherhood of Steel's mission would be better served if they tried to conquer various settlements, eventually taking over the whole nation of America, and make their will the law of the wasteland. The Idaho Brotherhood was created when a Paladin by the name of Julian Rotter was exiled from the California Brotherhood in 2111. Idaho Brotherhood of Steel Fallout Fanon Wiki Fandomģ hours ago 1.

Enclave in fallout 4